Participating Startups


EXR is an exergame that makes indoor training fun! Connect with your ergometer and explore beautiful environments, get real-time feedback, see detailed training reports, compete against other players, level up and much much more!

SportUp Boost


BuddyBox is a motivational tool, that combines a physical storage device with a habit tracker app. Users can store rewards/temptations and use the app to unlock the box by accomplishing their goals in a gamified way! Isn't it the perfect way to stay motivated to exercise more?!


SCARAB Sports is a start-up focusing on helping athletes to improve at a higher pace during training sessions as well as assisting their entourage with actionable performance analytics


A community app for urban sports & culture. By the urban community, for urban athletes and artists. Where we connect you, challenge, share and appreciate each other's passion.


Hylyght allows maturity-based benchmarking & bio-banding to assess talent during the interval of pubertal growth. We identify talent before, during and after puberty. Start with our of-the-shelve test sets & reference values and we’ll build your dedicated model together.

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